LEGO DC Super Villans: Underbaked Fun.

(Photo saved from Nintendo)

Wassup guys I hope the day is treating you well. Today we’re looking at our first Lego game. Lego DC Super-Villains is an Action-Adventure playformer developed by Tt (Traveller’s Tales) and released by WB [Warner Bros.) on October 19, 2018. This is the fourth game in the Lego Batman series. This spinoff is unique because it is the only installment to focus entirely on the villains.

I played this game through the first three missions or so to refrain from too many spoilers. However, there may be a few so for those who want a completely spoiler-free experience here’s you’re SPOILER ALERT! Lastly, we’ll be talking about Gameplay, Story & Characters, and finally Art Style & visuals. Alrighty without further ado, let’s get into this.

(Photo screenshot by Nia🫧)


If you’re familiar with Lego games, you’ll fit right in here. I have played Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and Lego Batman DC Super Heroes, to name a couple. Tt has nailed the overall “feeling” in their games. And I know that’s a little vague, so I’ll elaborate.

So, every Halo game, for example, follows the same formula: FPS First Person Shooter, the minimal HUD, down to the size of your retinal, is a part of the game feel, if you will. Lego games also have their formula: Third person, beat them up, where you’re more meant to run wild as your favorite characters.

(Photo screenshot by Nia🫧)

(Photo saved from Halo CE: Old Internal HUD)

One thing I do appreciate is that this game has you as a playable more fleshed-out character for the most part despite us not being able to talk. Also, the customization is so intense to the point of being almost too intense but I think the devs were going for us truly living out your power fantasy exactly how you envision.

The game clearly could have used more time “in the oven” A.K.A. under development. Sadly, during combat, I got a little bit of lag on a couple of occasions. Also while Tt has mastered the feeling of their games it definitely can be quite repetitive, especially after long playthroughs. However, it’s not all bad the mini-games are fun and you can tell this is where the developers spread their creative wings.

(Photo screenshot by Nia🫧)

Story & Characters

Now, this is one HUGE praise I have to give to this game. The voice acting is, exceptional. Of course because of the massive funding and ownership of DC by WB. The character designs are also spot on even in Lego form a testament to Tt's talents.

The Story is quite a bit contrived to start; however, knowing the history behind the actual characters such as Lex Luthor, Commissioner Gordon, Batman, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy carries this story.

However, I do have to knock the game for this as well because it is painfully obvious that the game is hoping you have prior knowledge of the DC franchise or are curious enough to learn more. I’m trying not to spoil my podcast where I go more in-depth review on both these topics specifically, ‘LEGO DC Super Villain: Fresh Look’ so please check that out if you guys are interested.

(Photo screenshot by Nia🫧)

Art Styles & Visuals

The game looks beautiful as far as art style and visuals. Like I’ve been saying throughout this post Tt and WB working together on this project allows the team to have the most authentic experience in the DC universe or at least as authentic as they can make it. This game also looks good visually in comparison to today's Lego games as well.

The fact that Legos are built also adds a uniqueness to the visuals and the world as a whole. Whoever, this has always been around since the first Lego game so I necessarily praise that only. Lastly, as I mentioned earlier I did get a noticeable lag during combat. I believe it’s because of my choice to use a speedy build but if you’re going to include a feature in a game it should be able to run properly or don’t include it at all.

(Photo screenshot by Nia🫧)


I love this game. However, that may be because I’m a huge little kid and have loved Lego games for a lot of my life. However, the game does have flaws but none egregious enough to warrant a play-through. All in all, LEGO DC Super-Villains is good dumb fun and is worth a pickup if available to you. As always, thank you guys so much for the read. Please clap, comment, and share it means a lot. Also as I mentioned earlier I’ll have a podcast live on Spotify about the game as well the same day is this post, ‘Lego DC Super Villans: Fresh Look’. I’ll catch you guys in the next one:).


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