Classic Fortnite in 2024.

What’s it like, and is it worth jumping into?

(Photo saved from Epic Games)

Hello, my peeps, and may the algorithm bring this piece to you🙏🏾.

Today, we are diving into probably one of the most recognizable games ever.

Fortnite is a third person shooter,online battle royale game and now a game platform released and developed by Epic Games in 2017.

Initially, the game was a simple free-to-play battle royale and Fortnite: Save the World mode, a PVE (Player vs environment) co-op game.

Today, Fortnite offers additional modes, to name a few: Fortnite Creative, Lego Fortnite, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival.

I played the game at release originally on PS4, but due to not being good and not having friends to play with, I stopped playing entirely.

So let’s see how OG Fortnite holds up seven years later.

(Fortnite Game mode selection screen, Photo taken by Nia🫧)


So, first things first, I have to knock the game right away for an obscene amount of opening loading screens.

If you’re a returning player, you load in immediately.

However, if you are brand new or haven’t played in a while, the game will either make you sign in to your Epic Games account or create an account.

And for those of you who had to create a new account, lord bless you cause I was already annoyed, and I knew my login information.

There are approximately six loading screens, including your login screen, which in this modern age is absurd.

I do have to commend the game because the loading screens are fast.

(Fortnite Free-to-play Battle Royale, Solo Lobby, Photo taken by Nia🫧)

Now we’re finally done with technicalities and can finally get into gameplay.

So I can’t lie to you guys; as much as I used to bag on this game, it’s pretty fun.

I played both on my iPhone with touchscreen controls and on my iPad with a controller on Amazon Luna, primarily in the Solo Free-to-play battle Royale mode.

For those unfamiliar with Battle Royale mode, you are pvp (Player vs Player) against up to 100 players.

If you’re not into playing Solo, you can play duos or in Squads of up to four.

You or your team ride a battle bus with no weapons and jump to your desired spot in the game map so you can loot, take out your enemies, and avoid the storm until you’re the last ones standing.

(First returning kill in Solo Battle Royale mode on iPhone, Photo taken by Nia🫧)


The game still looks good.

I like the cartoon-like art style.

I can’t tell any significant differences between now and at launch besides minor quality of life changes.

However, I experienced minor pop-in and frame rate drops on my hotspot away at my job and on at-home wifi, but I’m sure this is due to game streaming limitations, which I also touched on in my Game Streaming on iPhone post.

Also, character skins are not animated in the same style as the world, which is a little jarring, but after some getting used to it, it looked cool and broke up the world in a fun way.

Finally, traversal is also fun.

I got a hold of a bike in my first playthrough, and that thing kicked ass and didn’t feel out of place, but there are also small boats, cars, and specialty vehicles.

(Second Fortnite Match Kill in Solo Battle Royale mode on iPad, Photo taken by Nia🫧)

As I stated earlier, the game is a blast.

So much so that I see myself returning to play a match or two occasionally.

Also, soon, I’d love to dive into all the available modes and see what they offer.

I thank you guys so much for reading today’s post, and as always, I’ll catch you guys in the next one ;).


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