How to Navigate the Modern day Console Market
Where is the best place for you, your friends, family, etc. to play video games?
(Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)
So it’s nearing Christmas and we have all the new consoles, games, and a worldwide pandemic to worry about. Seasonings Greetings! Nevertheless, despite any pandemic or holiday navigating the Video Game Console Market can be a nightmare. Hence where I come in; Here are my 4 tips on how to navigate the Console market.
Now, I know anyone who has read my previous post, “The Guide to Finding the Video Game for you” is gonna say I’ve said this before; but, I really can’t stress how important research is. In gaming and in our everyday lives, having a sloid idea of what your getting yourself into before getting yourself into it is absolutely critical! On top of that you may be surprised where you’re able to play games & the types of games you have access to. In fact, Games like Fortnite, PUBG, MarioKart, Mario Bros, Stardew Valley, and Among Us were all originally available on other consoles or computers (PCs) exclusively. Now you can play them all on your current mobile phone with nothing needed but storage, internet, and possible money for microtransactions. BONUS TIP! While shopping if you already have the media you want to play on in mind bookmark any websites you see that stick out to you with good prices for it. For example, with the Xbox Series X, S, and PS5s all coming on shelves just as fast as they are being bought pre ordering online or if at all possible making it to a store to get the console physically is pretty much essential.
(Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)
Tip #2 After doing research always reflect on self. Ask what do you want from your gaming experience.
Once again if you read my last one then this tip will also sound quite familiar. However, what sets this tip apart a tad bit is that whatever media you’re deciding to invest in to play your games on not only is gonna be a much larger investment than any one game but it will also be more long term. Whether it be a cellphone, computer, console, streaming service, or etc. Yes, games can be fun but they can also be quite expensive so be sure to be very mindful about what you’re buying because you’re gonna be pissed spending $600 on a PS5 you may not have necessarily needed. Look at your personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. really make sure that the console fits into your life nicely. Nothing to overwhelming but yet to obsolete you miss it. To go even more in depth it will finally boil down to interest in games. Remember gaming is all about finding your niche and expanding upon it; but, always knowing you can return to it when necessary.
(Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash)
Tip #3 Don’t be afraid to reach out and have those you want to be involved in your gaming be apart of the console decision.
This tip honestly could have been included as apart of the first but I feel like it’s solid enough to stand alone. Communication is king with everything and if you know you’re more of a competitive player, that your buying the console for the family, or that it’s meant for you play with friends involve them in the research process as well. Once again you never know what they may find and bring to your attention that you may not have known about. Broadening your horizons is the best way to get the most out of your game media as well. As long as the games are thrilling, challenging, engaging, or just simply fun to you that should make it worth wild.
(Photo by Muhammad Taufik on Unsplash)
Tip #4 Experiment within your own constraints
My fourth and final tip is to test out the media. Preferably in your everyday life to get a genuine feel for what it has to offer. If at all possible see if you can hang over and play with a friend, borrow, or rent whatever media you’re interested in to really get as close to a full experience as possible, then just sit back and enjoy! Keep a simple list in your head of maybe two to three pros and cons of each one that stand out to you if you really can’t decide on one. But usually after playing a few a player can gage which one they gravitate to the most; unless you enjoy them all.
(Photo by Sebastian Knoll on Unsplash)
Speaking of enjoying them all I feel like that’s a perfect way to not only end this post but also talk about the “Console wars” you may or may not have heard about. The Console wars has slowly fizzled out over the years with each console offering their own experiences for their varying markets. Matter of fact, this whole topic could be a post on it’s own; but, to sum it up briefly the console wars was the rivalry that arrived in the 2000s to see which media was better to play on. Honestly, it comes down to personal preference which is main reason for writing this post. I’m simply here to inform you of nothing more than advice and I strongly advice you try as many as you can get your hands just to have a variety of experiences. Finally, above all have fun and I hope this post helps make your gaming shopping a little easier.