Making a case for console Launch Titles

Why there aren’t that many Launch Titles with new Console’s nowadays.

(Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash)

Alright, so we have new consoles on the horizon along with the dreaded time to look at sparse launch line ups. It seems almost customary at this point to be disappointed with new console launch titles and indeed initially look at them as over expensive upgrades to an already decent one; although, a fair point let’s try to look closer at the consoles themselves, the companies behind them, and above all the game designers to get a more clear picture on what’s actually going.

KEEP IN MIND! These are just hypothesis based on what I’ve observed and researched myself so please don’t take anything written here as absolute fact. I strongly recommend you do your own additional research to be able to come to your own conclusions; however, these are good things to keep in mind.

(Photo by William Iven on Unsplash)

Now with all the technicalities taken care of; The three reasons I feel that their aren’t many launch titles are: 1) Consoles just like video games are in constant development which means, changes can cause problems for game designers , 2) The technology going into these consoles is sometimes more advanced than even the developers have access to, & 3) It’s hard to truly gage what will be a big enough hit to be a worthy launch title similar to Breath of the Wild or Halo.

(Photo by maar gaming on Unsplash)

Reason #1) Consoles just like video games are in constant development, these changes can cause problems for game designers

The best area to start analyzing are the game designers themselves, these are the people actually in the trenches making the very games we play. When developing ANYTHING you must have as many variables as possible concrete; especially when dealing with the games final product. Therefore, with this in mind, things like knowing what the max fps (Frames per second) are, how much storage their is, how the code works, etc. is absolutely critical. In fact, these variables are important to know BEFORE game development even starts so game designers know how to develop accordingly. A prime example on how not to develop a game accordingly is Watch_Dogs. Every trailer boasted gorgeous graphics and cool hacking abilities and all we ended up with was a generic RPG with mild occasionally interesting hacking mechanics. The game was not necessarily atrocious but disappointing nonetheless. Halo 2 could be considered another example, the game also boasted of graphics and game mechanics that weren’t possible with the time and technology of that age. In fact, Halo 2 is still acknowledged as a favorite amongst fans because the game is actually still genuinely good just over ambitious.

(Photo by ELLA DON on Unsplash)

Reason 2) The technology going into these consoles is sometimes more advanced than even the developers have access to

Companies behind these new consoles are usually wealthy and have more than enough money to invest in the new technology in the consoles themselves and to their employees as well. This same process isn’t as easy for every game developer; however, leading many to just end up developing for what is already available. Indie developers in particular I understand this limitation by fully embracing what’s the easiest and most reliable like pc and app stores. Once a game begins to pick success then developers can turn to developing for current consoles and potentially next gen consoles. Notice though, companies are taking note of this; hence why their are a few indies coming to both next gen consoles coming this year.

(Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash)

Reason 3) It’s hard to truly gage what will be a big enough hit to be a worthy launch title similar to Breath of the Wild or Halo

Now let’s get down to the true determining factor of a great launch title; the consumers. Yes, Breath of the Wild and Halo (in it’s hay day) was developed to what so many would consider near perfection; although, very true what truly made the game so great was it’s ability to resonate with players. Indie hits like Among Us, Undertale, and Cuphead have done and triple A’s like Prince of Persia have done as well. Launch titles CAN still be fun although sparse and the best way to ensure that is by making those few games BALL BUSTINGLY FUN. In fact, the entire Nintendo Switch launch line-up is an absolutely perfect example of this in releasing with; Mario Kart, Mario Odyssey, Smash Bros. Ultimate, AND Breath of the Wild.

(Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash)

All in all, let’s be nice or at the bare minimum lenite to the new consoles. Their is laundry list of other variables I didn’t even talk about like: the cost to make each game, the cost to manufacture the consoles themselves, and internet issues depending on the region. Moreover, we shouldn’t allow for these hindrances to excuse shitty game design or obvious cash grabs. It is very much a delicate balance and for every millionth shitty launch title their is great one on the horizon……Orrrrrrr you’re just jaded and nothing pleases you.


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